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Radish Lab is pumped to announce that April’s Discovery Lab Beta workshop will be with the fantastic people from Bond Street Theatre.

Founded in 1976, Bond Street Theatre initiates creative programming that inspires and educates youth, addresses international human rights issues, heals communities affected by poverty and conflict, and promotes the value of the arts in peacebuilding. The company responds to humanitarian crises through the uplifting powers of the arts, collaborating with local artists to enjoy the benefits of artistic exchange. They’ve initiated innovative theatre and theatre-based programs in over 40 countries worldwide, and reached populations in refugee camps, schools, shelters, prisons, rural villages and urban centers. BST ensemble members have developed a theatrical language that easily communicates across cultural and linguistic boundaries by highlighting the physical, visual, and musical elements of storytelling.


We’re impressed with the work that BST has done for the last 40 years, and can’t wait to help them nail down their goals for their upcoming website redesign. If you’d like to learn more about Bond Street Theatre’s work, you can connect with them via Facebook or their website, and if your organization is interested in having its own Discovery Lab Beta workshop, you can apply to be next month’s selection here.