As we wrap up 2022, we asked our Radishes what they’re looking forward to next year. From exciting projects and clients, to new technologies, and systems, here’s what they said.
Launching Major Projects
This year, we’ve had the pleasure of kicking off new, incredible collaborations, and we’re looking forward to launching a few major website projects in 2023, including:

“Really excited to get[…] Olmsted Parks Conservancy launched and across the finish line!”
Noelle, Project Manager
The Olmsted Parks Conservancy works to restore, enhance and forever protect Louisville’s Olmsted-designed parks and parkways, connecting nature and neighborhood while strengthening the community’s well-being.

“Looking forward to launching TNTP.”
Natalynn, Senior Project Manager
TNTP’s mission is to end the injustice of educational inequality by providing excellent teachers to the students who need them most and by advancing policies and practices that ensure effective teaching in every classroom.

“I’m looking forward to seeing the World Giving Library website come to life, with amazing designs that we’re working on right now.”
Simone, Project Manager
The World Giving Library will help people to understand the foundation, legacy, and impact of philanthropy and giving.

“We have a lot of great clients with impactful projects in 2023, and right now I’m especially looking forward to working with Community Change.”
Kora, UX Designer
Community Change is a national organization that builds power from the ground up. They believe that effective and enduring social movements must be led by those most impacted by injustice themselves.
Improving our Processes, Collaboration, and Skills
We are dedicating time and resources to solve the internal challenges our team faces, and stay on the forefront of tech and design.

“I’m most excited to see ZenPilot and a lot of our new processes be realized, and allow for more efficiency!”
Ridah, Designer
We’re working with ZenPilot, a consulting agency, in order to optimize our ClickUp project management processes.

“[I’m looking forward to] launching Mycelium.”
Marcelo, Developer
We’re also developing a new, updated WordPress templating system to better design and seamlessly build websites, called ‘Mycelium’ (named after the part of a mushroom that is a rich network of thin filaments called hyphae).

“I would like the chance to work with more Javascript, for example implementing a project that uses a headless WP and a React or Vue frontend.”
Pedro, Developer

“I’m looking forward to experimenting with some new technology and working on some challenging projects like SaaS, LMS, Web3, and building APIs.”
Dukens, Developer
Our team loves to learn new skills, and take on new challenges.
Looking to the Future
We care about the people we work with, and the people who their work impacts. Because of this, we love to hear from our team, what types of social impact-related topics they’d like to focus on.

“I would like to work with music-related projects and clients.”
Ale, Director of Development

“Looking forward to leading LGBTQIA+ org projects.”
Ana, Developer
What are you looking forward to? Keep in touch with us, sign up for our newsletter.
Have a website design or development, branding, or strategy project? We’d love to hear about it.