We like to think that Radish Lab has a distinctively Brooklyn flavor. It’s where we live, and we imbibe the vibe every single day we come to our Bushwick workspace. We feel such a sense of rootedness in our ‘hood that we curated a guide for the international On the Grid neighborhood project. So, yeah, we consider ourselves Brooklyn Ambassadors.
At the same time, we’re always looking to new places and people to inform our design and development vocabulary. We work with content creators, designers, and developers from all over North America. In our travels, both virtual and terrestrial, we learn how to look at the world differently, assimilate new approaches to information architecture, and discover how style can tell a unique story about a place. Along the way, these impressions get thrown into our Brooklyn broth to flavor an ever-evolving stew of global digital inspiration. Yum!
For many years, we’ve wondered what it would be like to truly take our brand global. Not just to draw inspiration from far-flung communities, but to embed ourselves in a place where we are forced to learn a new language, understand a new culture, and build relationships with local clients and talent. Could we ever truly work on both sides of an ocean?
Well, we’ve suddenly gone from daydreaming to packing our bags. We’ve been offered a unique opportunity to take Radish for a spin in one of the great cities of the world … Berlin! The Made in NY Media Center, in partnership with Startup Germany, has awarded us a 3-month fellowship to explore the burgeoning media startup scene in Berlin. The fellowship gives us a home base, a stipend, mentorship, and membership at the Betahaus co-working space. Radish creative director Alana Range and strategic director Adam Ludwig will plant the Radish Lab flag in Berlin on April 14. We’ll manage the flagship business from afar, in collaboration with technical director Edward Wisniewski and communications director Michelle Morico, who will hold down the Brooklyn fort along with our creative and technical teams. Adam will return stateside in late May, while Alana will stay on in Berlin until early July.
We couldn’t be more excited to immerse ourselves in a new culture, discover new approaches to interactive social-impact storytelling, recruit new clients, and connect with new collaborators. At the same time, we’ve got a serious case of the butterflies! But change feeds creativity, and we know that our experience in Berlin will not only plant Radish firmly on the European map, but also give us some extra-fresh Weltanschauung to bring back for our simmering Brooklyn stew.
So if you’re in Berlin, give us a shout or drop by Immanuelkirchstraße for a visit. And if you know people in Germany and Europe who care about social change and world-class interactive storytelling, please make an introduction. We consider our clients our friends, and we’re excited to make lots of new friends in Berlin!
This is part of an ongoing series following Radish Lab during their 3-month fellowship in Berlin, granted by the MINY Media Center, Startup Germany, and Medienboard. Read more about the adventures of Radish Berlin: Radish Berlin: Jetzt Los!Radish Berlin: Office HoursRadish Berlin: Was Gibt’s Zum Essen