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We’ve noticed a growing interest within New York’s creative community to stand up, speak out, and resist some of the new White House Administration’s policies. Many people are looking for an outlet through which they can channel their passions and make an impact on the lives and causes affected by these policies. We think finding an activity that inspires and empowers you is a great starting point in determining the best way to contribute to the greater good.

Because there’s more at stake, I feel motivated and inspired to take action now more than ever. At Radish Lab, our work revolves around helping nonprofits refine their messaging, create clear action plans, and build ground-up strategies. In our personal lives, we try to hold ourselves accountable to supporting our local communities in both Brooklyn and Berlin.


The influence of art on society has the potential to be channelled into action, and making an impact to better yourself and community can start with volunteering your time, energy, or creativity. If you’re local to NYC, here are some groups we love that are making a difference and are always looking for volunteers:

  • GROUNDSWELL NYC: Groundswell is known for their mural-making projects painted by underrepresented groups. Volunteer opportunities: Making art, events help, internships, office help, and other opportunities.

We hope that this list may inspire you to look for an outlet that will motivate you to give back, whether through one of these programs or in another way. These are capricious times we’re living in, and there are plenty of organizations that could use your help. As Dr. King put it:

“Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”